Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day - Santa has visited

Lorelai takes a moment to read her new book and remember what this day is really all about (the baby Jesus).

New purple slipper socks for all the girls in the house. It gets kind of cold when you have to leave those wet shoes at the door.

Ford shows us his incredible "walk the dog" yo-yo trick. Only he calls it "hit the kitty in the head".
Lorelai with her updated bike. She asked Santa for a blue basket, blue bell and blue streamers for her bike. Santa didn't realize how difficult it may be to find those things in the winter in Colorado. Well - that's part of the story we had to tell her when grandma fell asleep and Lorelai snuck away and found mom & dad painting the blue dots on her bell in the bathroom. Santa was having a hard time finding the blue bell, so mom & dad had to help by painting it for him. Thanks to a very special "Christmas Angel" that gave us the supplies for the streamers on Christmas Eve (a completely different long story) we were able to complete the upgrade by Christmas morning.

1 comment:

Mima Vicki said...

OOH! I miss my babies! Mima