Monday, January 16, 2006

Update from Mommy

We are slowly getting into the swing of things. Ford likes to stay awake during the night so he and I have a lot of alone time in the wee hours. Hopefully we will change this behavior in the next few weeks.Ford had his two week check-up. He has gained a pound (now 6lbs, 13 oz.) and is doing very well. We had a few issues with jaundis in the beginning but we seem to be free of our worries now.
Lorelai continues to kiss and hug her baby brother every chance she gets. When pushing the stroller in the store she stops people to show off her baby brother. We would like to tell you her pricess phase is due to ber new brother but she was already dressing for the day in a crown, pricess dress and slippers before his arrival. She makes sure she has jewelry and a matching crown everywhere she goes. She tells us she wants to be a doctor though so I guess I can deal with this a little longer.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome Ford

The Schaffer Family would like to introduce:

Loren "Ford" Schaffer
December 30 at 7:30 am
5 lbs. 14 oz. & 18.5" long

Big Sister Lorelai is very happy to show off her new baby brother!

Ford was born at 36 weeks, a little early, but he is completely fine. Mom and baby came home a day early from the hospital to celebrate New Years Eve cuddled up in bed with the whole family altogether. Ford, like his big sister, seems to be a quiet baby. Lorelai can't stop kissing him and holding his hand.

Loren is a first name family tradition of Daddy's. Ford is the maiden name of mommy's favorite Aunt she lived with her senior year of high school.