Sunday, September 02, 2007

Labor Day Camping

We had the most perfect camping location in all of Colorado!

We had awesome views of so many things. Here is Cheyenne Moutain right out of our tent. It was a beautiful red color from the sun coming up early in the morning. Lucky for us Lorelai woke up really early and made sure we didn't miss one second of the early morning sun.

We got to see lots of deer that came so close to us.

And a big, mean, growling black bear. Doesn't he look scarey? Wait - that is Levi, really just a cudde bear.

The hot air baloons from the festival downtown.

A full moon!

And all of it was in Lisa K's backyard. We still let the kids pee in the woods.

Here we are eating camping food. Right off the gas grill. We all gathered around the auto-light fire pit on the porch. I am telling you - we were roughing it. Those are plastic wine glasses - Imagine!

They are having carmel, chocolate apples. Always a staple in the cooler at the camp site. They were so full we never got around to making smores. We were just too tired to flip the switch and turn the fire on.

Here our little campers are showing mommy how tired they are. They did a great job roughing it and slept all night long in the tent.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Lorelai's Friends

Lorelai with Jake and Natalie.

Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day of School

Here is Lorelai on her first day at her new school. It was Ford's first day too, but I couldn't take a picture of him crying, so no picture of him.

Below are pictures of Lorelai's new ballet class. We are hoping she will be a beautiful swan or fairy or whatever. She loves ballet and does little ballet jumps all around the house.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Cowboy Picnic

Having a snowcone. We waited for the end so we wouldn't be blue for the entire picnic.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Lorelai's Fractured Arm

Here we are at the end. All casted up.

The process was a little difficult!

The motrin has begun working.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Visiting Austin

Here Lorelai and Marshall get to know each other.

They will all be sitting here on Baby's steps in about 17 years. They will be holding their own "Dots" then.

"Hey that grackle just stole food off my plate."

Lounging pool-side in Kat's back yard.

Taking a bath in the deluxe guest room.

Here is the real deluxe bathtub!

Our kids meet Alex's new little sister.

A true Southern Gentleman, letting Lorelai sit in his chair while watching Thomas the Train.

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Leslie's in Houston

Beautiful Sara is growing up.

Swimming at the hotel.

Tex-Mex done right. A playground for the kids while the moms drink margaritas!

"Get out there and play, a little water never hurt anyone. We need to talk mommy talk."

"Well, maybe that is a little more than a little. Has anyone seen Ford?"

There he is, sneaking chocolate from mom's purse.